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Forum Québec • Voir le sujet - Mordechai Vanunu: heros ou traitre?
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 Sujet du message: Mordechai Vanunu: heros ou traitre?
PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 9:19 am 

Inscrit le: Jeu Oct 29, 2009 6:51 pm
Posts: 235
Localisation: Copenhague

C'est cet israelien qui a devoile au monde entier le programme nucleaire israelien.

Vous pouvez en lire plus a son sujet ici:


Bien qu'il fait preuve d'un peu de manque de jugement (les details de sa capture, par exemple), je le considere personnellement comme un heros.

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PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 12:00 pm 

Inscrit le: Ven Jan 15, 2010 4:07 pm
Posts: 155
Localisation: Lost
Il a fait ce qu'il devait faire, alors qu'Israel gueule comme une vierge offensée par que l''Iran dévellope son secteur atomique sans se cacher, Israel a toujours été hypocrite , comment se fait-il qu'un aussi petit pays de 40 km par 25 km dispose d'armes nucléaire et atomique, c'est insensé !!Sont coupables les pays qui ont collaborés avec Israel, la France entre autres.

Mordechaï Vanunu : En tant qu’être humain, j’ai fait quelque chose pour la sécurité et le respect de l’humanité. Tout pays a le devoir de nous respecter, tous, en tant qu’êtres humains, quelle que soit notre religion, que l’on soit juifs, chrétiens, musulmans, bouddhistes… Israël a un gros problème : ce pays ne respecte pas les êtres humains. Ce que ce pays a pu faire, parce qu’il ne considère pas les autres humains comme des égaux, est absolument terrible. Le résultat est dévastateur, pour l’image d’Israël ; l’État d’Israël n’est en aucun cas une démocratie. L’État juif est raciste. Le monde devrait savoir qu’Israël met en pratique une politique d’apartheid : si vous êtes juif, vous avez le droit d’aller où vous voulez et de faire ce que bon vous semble ; si vous n’êtes pas juif, vous n’avez aucun droit. Ce racisme est le véritable problème auquel Israël est confronté. Israël est bien incapable de prouver qu’il est une démocratie. Personne ne peut accepter cet État raciste ; ni les États-Unis, ni les pays européens. Les armes nucléaires israéliennes, ils pourraient, à la rigueur, les accepter… Mais comment pourraient-ils justifier cet État d’apartheid fasciste ?

Vous semblez refuser de reconnaître la légitimité de cet État ?

Mordechaï Vanunu : Bien sûr. C’est ce que j’ai dit, à ma sortie de prison : nous ne devons pas accepter cet État juif. L’État juif d’Israël est le contraire de la démocratie ; nous avons besoin d’un État pour tous ses citoyens, sans égard pour leurs croyances religieuses. La solution, c’est un État unique, pour tous ses habitants, de toutes les religions, comme c’est le cas dans des démocraties comme la France ou la Suisse, et non pas seulement un État pour les juifs. Un État juif n’a absolument aucune raison d’être. Les juifs n’ont pas besoin d’un régime fondamentaliste comme celui qui règne en Iran. Les gens ont besoin d’une véritable démocratie, qui respecte les êtres humains. Aujourd’hui, dans la région du Moyen-Orient, nous avons deux États fondamentalistes : l’Iran, et Israël. Mais Israël est très en avance, en matière de fondamentalisme, même sur l’Iran !…

À vos yeux, Israël est-il donc une plus grande menace que l’Iran ?…

Mordechaï Vanunu : Bien entendu : nous savons ce que les Israéliens font subir au peuple palestinien, depuis plus de cinquante ans ! Il est grand temps, pour le monde, de s’en souvenir et de se préoccuper de l’holocauste palestinien. Les Palestiniens ont tellement souffert, et depuis tellement longtemps, à cause de toute cette oppression ! Les juifs ne les respectent absolument pas, ils ne les considèrent pas comme des êtres humains ; ils ne leur accordent aucun droit, et ils continuent à les persécuter, à mettre en danger la vie présente des Palestiniens, et par conséquent leur propre avenir, aussi.

Que dites vous à mon pays, la Suisse, qui est dépositaire des Conventions de Genève ?

Mordechaï Vanunu : La Suisse devrait condamner très clairement et à haute voix la politique raciste d’Israël, c’est-à-dire toutes les violations des droits des Palestiniens, tant musulmans que chrétiens. Tous les pays doivent exiger du gouvernement israélien qu’il respecte les non-juifs, en tant qu’êtres humains. De fait, je n’ai pas le droit de vous parler, je ne suis pas autorisé à parler à des étrangers ; si je m’exprime quand même, c’est à mes risque et périls. Israël a utilisé des dédommagements de l’Holocauste pour fabriquer des armes, pour détruire des maisons et des biens palestiniens. Je serai très satisfait si votre pays me donne un passeport et m’aide à quitter ce pays, Israël. La vie est très dure, ici. Si vous êtes juif, vous n’avez aucun problème ; si vous ne l’êtes pas [ou plus], on vous traite sans le moindre respect

Sylvia Cattori

Dernière édition par klingman le Jeu Fév 25, 2010 12:58 pm, édité 1 fois au total.

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PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 12:55 pm 
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Inscrit le: Jeu Sep 27, 2007 8:19 am
Posts: 12175
Localisation: République québécoise.
Héros. :roll

Je suis un homme d'un autre siècle. Je chauffe au bois, j'écris à la main, avec une plume. Je me bats pour la liberté sous toutes ses formes : la mienne, celle de mon peuple, celle de tous les peuples. Bref, je suis un primitif égaré.

-Pierre Falardeau
 Sujet du message:
PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 1:16 pm 

Inscrit le: Ven Jan 15, 2010 4:07 pm
Posts: 155
Localisation: Lost

 Sujet du message:
PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 1:57 pm 

Inscrit le: Ven Mai 15, 2009 12:07 pm
Posts: 10299
Localisation: Labeaumeville

"Le prix de la liberté, c'est la vigilance éternelle."
Thomas Jefferson
 Sujet du message:
PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 2:04 pm 

Inscrit le: Ven Mai 15, 2009 12:07 pm
Posts: 10299
Localisation: Labeaumeville

"Le prix de la liberté, c'est la vigilance éternelle."
Thomas Jefferson
 Sujet du message:
PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 3:28 pm 

Inscrit le: Ven Jan 15, 2010 4:07 pm
Posts: 155
Localisation: Lost

 Sujet du message:
PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 3:49 pm 

Inscrit le: Ven Mai 15, 2009 12:07 pm
Posts: 10299
Localisation: Labeaumeville

"Le prix de la liberté, c'est la vigilance éternelle."
Thomas Jefferson
 Sujet du message:
PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 4:07 pm 

Inscrit le: Ven Jan 15, 2010 4:07 pm
Posts: 155
Localisation: Lost
J'en ai trouvé quelques un

Jews that control the medias:

>MORTIMER ZUCKERMAN, owner of NY Daily News, US News &
>World Report and chair of the Conference of Presidents
>of Major Jewish American Organizations, one of the
>largest pro-Israel lobbying groups.
>LESLIE MOONVES, president of CBS television,
>great-nephew of David Ben-Gurion, and co-chair with
>Norman Ornstein of the Advisory Committee on Public
>Interest Obligation of Digital TV Producers, appointed
>by Clinton.
>JONATHAN MILLER, chair and CEO of AOL division of
>NEIL SHAPIRO, president of NBC News
>JEFF GASPIN, Executive Vice-President, Programming,
>DAVID WESTIN, president of ABC News
>SUMNER REDSTONE, CEO of Viacom, "world's biggest media
>giant" (Economist, 11/23/2) owns Viacom cable, CBS and
>MTVs all over the world, Blockbuster video rentals and
>Black Entertainment TV.
>MICHAEL EISNER, major owner of Walt Disney, Capitol
>Cities, ABC.
>RUPERT MURDOCH, Owner Fox TV, New York Post, London
>Times, News of the World (Jewish mother)
>MEL KARMAZIN, president of CBS
>DON HEWITT, Exec. Director, 60 Minutes, CBS
>JEFF FAGER, Exec. Director, 60 Minutes II. CBS
>DAVID POLTRACK, Executive Vice-President, Research and
>Planning, CBS
>SANDY KRUSHOW, Chair, Fox Entertainment
>LLOYD BRAUN, Chair, ABC Entertainment
>BARRY MEYER, chair, Warner Bros.
>SHERRY LANSING. President of Paramount Communications
>and Chairman of Paramount Pictures' Motion Picture
>BRAD SIEGEL., President, Turner Entertainment.
>PETER CHERNIN, second in-command at Rupert Murdoch's
>News. Corp., owner of Fox TV
>MARTY PERETZ, owner and publisher of the New Republic,
>which openly identifies itself as pro-Israel. Al Gore
>credits Marty with being his "mentor."
>ARTHUR O. SULZBERGER, JR., publisher of the NY Times,
>the Boston Globe and other publications.
>WILLIAM SAFIRE, syndicated columnist for the NYT.
>TOM FRIEDMAN, syndicated columnist for the NYT.
>CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, syndicated columnist for the
>Washington Post. Honored by Honest Reporting.com,
>website monitoring "anti-Israel media."
>RICHARD COHEN, syndicated columnist for the Washington
>JEFF JACOBY, syndicated columnist for the Boston Globe
>NORMAN ORNSTEIN, American Enterprise Inst., regular
>columnist for USA Today, news analyst for CBS, and
>co-chair with Leslie Moonves of the Advisory Committee
>on Public Interest Obligation of Digital TV Producers,
>appointed by Clinton.
>ARIE FLEISCHER, Dubya's press secretary.
>STEPHEN EMERSON, every media outlet's first choice as
>an expert on domestic terrorism.
>DAVID SCHNEIDERMAN, owner of the Village Voice and the
>New Times network of "alternative weeklies."
>DENNIS LEIBOWITZ, head of Act II Partners, a media
>hedge fund
>KENNETH POLLACK, for CIA analysts, director of Saban
>Center for Middle East Policy, writes op-eds in NY
>Times, New Yorker
>BARRY DILLER, chair of USA Interactive, former owner
>of Universal Entertainment
>KENNETH ROTH, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch
>RICHARD LEIBNER, runs the N.S. Bienstock talent
>agency, which represents 600 news personalities such
>as Dan Rather, Dianne Sawyer and Bill O'Reilly.
>TERRY SEMEL, CEO, Yahoo, former chair, Warner Bros.
>MARK GOLIN, VP and Creative Director, AOL
>WARREN LIEBERFORD, Pres., Warner Bros. Home Video Div.
>of AOL- TimeWarner
>JEFFREY ZUCKER, President of NBC Entertainment
>JACK MYERS, NBC, chief.NYT 5.14.2
>SANDY GRUSHOW, chair of Fox Entertainment
>GAIL BERMAN, president of Fox Entertainment
>STEPHEN SPIELBERG, co-owner of Dreamworks
>JEFFREY KATZENBERG, co-owner of Dreamworks
>DAVID GEFFEN, co-owner of Dreamworks
>LLYOD BRAUN, chair of ABC Entertainment
>JORDAN LEVIN, president of Warner Bros. Entertainment
>MAX MUTCHNICK, co-executive producer of NBC's "Good
>Morning Miami"
>DAVID KOHAN, co-executive producer of NBC's "Good
>Morning Miami"
>HOWARD STRINGER, chief of Sony Corp. of America
>AMY PASCAL, chair of Columbia Pictures
>JOEL KLEIN, chair and CEO of Bertelsmann's American
>ROBERT SILLERMAN, founder of Clear Channel
>BRIAN GRADEN, president of MTV entertainment
>IVAN SEIDENBERG, CEO of Verizon Communications
>WOLF BLITZER, host of CNN's Late Edition
>LARRY KING, host of Larry King Live
>TED KOPPEL, host of ABC's Nightline
>MIKE WALLACE, Host of CBS, 60 Minutes
>MICHAEL LEDEEN, editor of National Review
>BRUCE NUSSBAUM, editorial page editor, Business Week
>DONALD GRAHAM, Chair and CEO of Newsweek and
>Washington Post, son of
>CATHERINE GRAHAM MEYER, former owner of the Washington
>HOWARD FINEMAN, Chief Political Columnist, Newsweek
>WILLIAM KRISTOL, Editor, Weekly Standard, Exec.
>Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
>RON ROSENTHAL, Managing Editor, San Francisco
>PHIL BRONSTEIN, Executive Editor, San Francisco
>RON OWENS, Talk Show Host, KGO (ABC-Capitol Cities,
>San Francisco)
>JOHN ROTHMAN, Talk Show Host, KGO (ABC-Capitol Cities,
>San Francisco)
>MICHAEL SAVAGE, Talk Show Host, KFSO (ABC-Capitol
>Cities, San Francisco) Syndicated in 100 markets
>MICHAEL MEDVED, Talk Show Host, on 124 AM stations
>DENNIS PRAGER, Talk Show Host, nationally syndicated
>from LA. Has Israeli flag on his home page.
>BEN WATTENBERG, Moderator, PBS Think Tank.
>ANDREW LACK, president of NBC
>DANIEL MENAKER, Executive Director, Harper Collins
>DAVID REZNIK, Editor, The New Yorker
>NICHOLAS LEHMANN, writer, the New York
>HENRICK HERTZBERG, Talk of the Town editor, The New
>Publications, includes 26 newspapers in 22 cities; the
>Conde Nast magazine group, includes The New Yorker;
>Parade, the Sunday newspaper supplement; American City
>Business Journals, business newspapers published in
>more than 30 major cities in America; and interests in
>cable television programming and cable systems serving
>1 million homes.
>DONALD NEWHOUSE, chairman of the board of directors,
>Associated Press.
>PETER R KANN, CEO, Wall Street Journal, Barron's
>RALPH J. & BRIAN ROBERTS, Owners, Comcast-ATT Cable

There is no greater power in the world today than that wielded by the manipulators of public opinion in America. No king or pope of old, no conquering general or high priest ever had a power even remotely approaching that of the few dozen men who control America's mass media of news and entertainment. This power reaches into every home in America and molds the mind of virtually every citizen, young or old, rich or poor, simple or sophisticated.

The mass media gives us our image of the world and then tells us how we should think about that image.

Essentially everything we know about events outside our own neighborhood or circle of acquaintances comes to us via our daily newspaper, our weekly news magazine, our radio, or our television.

It is not only the obvious suppression of certain news stories that characterizes the opinion-manipulating techniques of the media masters. It's the way the news is reported: which items are emphasized and which are played down; the reporter's choice of words, tone of voice, and facial expressions; the wording of headlines; the choice of illustrations-all of these things subliminally and yet profoundly affect the way in which we interpret the news of the day. Columnists and editors then Remove any remaining doubts from our minds with cleverly worded editorials and commentaries. Employing carefully developed psychological manipulation techniques, they mold our thoughts and opinions so that we follow the fashionable "in" crowd.

The insidious thing about this form of thought control is that even when we realize that entertainment or news is biased, we can still be manipulated. All of the controlled media-television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, and motion pictures-speak with a single voice, each reinforcing the other. Despite the appearance of variety, there is no real dissent, no alternative source of facts or ideas accessible to the public that might allow them to form opinions at odds with those of the media manipulators.

A few corporations ruled by a handful of kosher elite control
the minds of the White public:

ABC/capital cities/Disney-
Captial CIties chairman and CEO is the JEWBOY Michael Eisner. The Disney Empire is headed by a man described by one media analyst as a "control freak," includes several television production companies, cable networks with more than 100 million subscriber's altogether. Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the JEWish Weinstein brothers, Bob and Harvey. In August 1995, Eisner acquired Capital Cities/ABC, Inc., which in turn owns ten TV stations outright in big US markets and has 225 affiliated TV stations and over 3,400 affiliated radio stations. ABC networks begin under the control of the JEW Leonard Goldenson. Disney owns publishing companies, six daily newspapers, over 20 magazines and has a thriving theme park business. A massive media/brainwashing empire under the control of one JEW, Mike Eisner.

Headed by the JEW Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein) Redstone owns 76 per cent of the shares of Viacom. JEW Melvin A. Karmazin is number two at Viacom and holds the positions of president and chief operating officer. Viacom produces and distributes TV programs for the three largest networks and owns 34 television stations and180 radio stations in its Infinity radio group. It produces feature films through Paramount Pictures, headed by JEWESS Sherry Lansing (born Sherry Lee Heimann).CBS Television Network president and CEO is Les Moonves, is a JEW. JEW Al Ortiz is the senior vice president of CBS News. CBS was started by JEW William Paley and controlled later by the JEW Laurence Tisch who assured the network would remain strictly kosher. Viacom owns over 4,000 Blockbuster stores and is involved in satellite broadcasting, theme parks, video games. Viacom's chief claim to fame, however, is as the world's largest provider of cable programming through it's Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon, Black Entertainment Television, MTV's brainwashing is directed towards kids between the ages of 12 and 24, and is headed by the obscene JEW Mark Rosenthal.

AOL-Time Warner-
The largest media conglomerate in the world was created when America Online bought Time Warner for $160 billion in 2000. The merger brought together Steve Case, a Gentile, as chairman of AOL-Time Warner, and Gerald Levin, a JEW, as the CEO. Levin overplayed his hand, and in a May 2002 showdown, the board of AOL-Time Warner fired him. AOL-Time Warner's board replaced both Levin and Case with a Negro, Richard Parsons. Beneath Parsons the Jewish influence and power remains dominant. Warner music is one of the biggest distributors in the world. Warner was an early promoter of "gangsta rap." Through its involvement with Interscope Records and it helped to popularize a genre whose graphic lyrics explicitly urge Blacks to commit hate crimes acts against Whites. Time Warner's publishing division is managed by its editor-in-chief, JEW Norman Pearlstein. He controls 50 magazines including Time, Life, Sports Illustrated, and People.

Previously Owned and controlled by another JEWISH media mogul. Edgar Bronfman, Jr. headed Seagram Company, the liquor giant.
His father, Edgar Bronfman, Sr., is president of the World JEWISH Congress. Seagram formally owned Universal Studios. The network has since been sold to NBC.

Fox broadcasting/News Corporation-
Jewboy Rupert Murdoch's rules over Fox broadcasting. Rupert's father Sir Keith Murdoch attained his prominent position in Australian society through a fortuitous marriage to the daughter of a wealthy JEWISH family; Elisabeth Joy Greene. Murdoch has always tried to hide the fact of his JEWISH roots. Murdoch has staffed most key positions with his fellow JEWS: The JEW Sandy Gurshow runs Fox Television Ent. Group; JEW Mitchell Stern heads Fox Television Stations; JEWESS Jane Friedman is chairman of Harper Collins; and JEW Thomas Rothman is chairman of 20th Century Fox Films.

Dreamworks SKG-
DreamWorks is a strictly Kosher company. Formed in 1994 amid great media hype by gay media JEW David Geffen, JEW Jeffrey Katzenberg, and film director JEW Steven Spielberg.

Columbia Pictures-
Is owned by the Japanese electronics firm Sony. However Sony's Chairman is the JEWESS Amy Pascal. Sony's music division is also headed by the JEW Andrew Lack.

Films produced by seven of the firms mentioned above accounted for 94% of the total box-office receipts for the year 2002.

The CEO of General Electric; Jeff Immelt, is surprisingly not a JEW. However his NBC media empire is still very much kosher. The national Broadcasting Company was founded by the Russian JEW immigrant David Sarnoff and ran later by his JEW son Robert Sarnoff. JEW Neal Shapiro is president of NBC News. JEW Jeff Zucker is NBC's entertainment president. JEW David M. Zaslav is president of NBC Cable.

After television news, daily newspapers are the most influential information medium in America. Sixty million of them are sold (and presumably read) each day.

Associated Press-
The AP sells content to newspapers and other media. Its chairman is The JEW Donald Newhouse. The AP's day-to-day activities are currently under the control of its managing editor the JEW Michael Silverman. The JEWESS Ann Levin is the AP's national news editor. Silverman and Levin are under The JEW Jonathan Wolman, who was promoted to senior vice president of The Associated Press in Nov 2002.

Newhouse Media empire-
The JEWISH Newhouse family owns 30 daily newspapers, 12 television broadcasting stations and 87 cable-TV systems, including some of the country's largest cable networks; some two dozen major magazines. The Company was founded by the late Samuel Newhouse, a JEWISH immigrant from Russia. When he died in 1979 at the age of 84, he bequeathed media holdings worth an estimated $1.3 billion to his Jewish two sons, Samuel and Donald.

New York Times-
With a 2002 circulation of 1,194,000 the times have become quite influential. The New York Times was founded in 1851 by two Gentiles, Henry J. Raymond and George Jones. After their deaths, it was purchased in 1896 from Jones's estate by a wealthy JEWISH publisher, Adolph Ochs. His great-greatgrandson, Arthur Sulzberger, is the paper's current publisher and the chairman of the New York Times. JEW Russell T. Lewis, is president of The NY Times. JEW Martin Nisenholtz, runs their Internet operations. The Sulzberger family also owns through the New York Times Co. 33 other
newspapers, ten radio and TV broadcasting stations; and a cable-TV system.

Washington Post-
The Post, like the NY Times, had a gentile origin. It was established in 1877 by Stilson Hutchins. In June 1933 at the height of the Great Depression, the newspaper was forced into bankruptcy. It was purchased at a bankruptcy auction by Eugene Meyer, a Rich JEWISH financier and was run by his daughter TJEWESS Katherine Meyer Graham, until her death in 2001. She was the principal stockholder, chairman of the board and appointed her son, Donald Graham as the current CEO for the Post. The Jewish Graham family also own Newsweek magazine.

Wall Street Journal-
Sells 1,820,000 copies each weekday and is owned by Dow Jones & Company, Inc., a New York corporation that also publishes 24 other newspapers. The chairman and CEO of Dow Jones is the Jew Peter R. Kann.

New York Daily News-
Owned and operated by JEWISH real-estate developer Mortimer B. Zuckerman. JEW Les Goodstein, is the president and chief operating officer. JEW Zuckerman also publishes U.S. News & World Report.

Top American Radio Jew-
Ultrazionist and Billionaire Norman J. Pattiz, is founder and chairman of Westwood One, the largest radio network in the United States with 7,500 stations. The $3.5 billion-company is also the largest distributor of commercial radio programming. Its news programs include CBS News Radio, Fox News Radio, CBS Market Watch, CNN Radio, and the NBC Radio Network. Pattiz helped pass the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which eliminated restrictions on how many stations a company can own. Pattiz is also vice chairman of the US-based Israel Policy Forum, has been appointed chairman of the 'Middle East committee' of the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). The committee represents the propaganda arm of the Middle East Initiative, which seeks to "democratize" the region against its will.In a February radio address in honor of Voice of America's 60th anniversary, Bush singled out Pattiz for his "perseverance and dedication to the project." The 'project' being the production of Arab-language propaganda for two new media outlets: The Al-hurrah satellite television network, and Radio Sawa. Our government has placed a jew in charge of brainwashing the arabs with pro US & pro Israel media outlets.

Other rich and powerful kikes-
Another Jew, Steve Ballmer, is the CEO of Microsoft. He is also worth about $16.6 billion. Everyone knows of the money machine Microsoft.

We can't forget Jewess Dr. Laura Schlessinger, the radio talk show host whose listening audience rivals that of Drug addict Rush Limbaugh. She presents herself as for family values, but strictly from a twisted Jewish point-of-view. Another famous radio Jew is the severely perverted Howard Stern.

60 minutes is severely Jewish. Produced by News Jew Don Hewitt. Lead by news reporter Jew Mike wallace. Jew Al Ortiz Is the vice presdent for CBS news.

Even space is not immune to Jewish control. Daniel Goldin, a Jew, has been in control of NASA since 1992, a carry-over from Clinton's administration to Bush's. Goldin uses his influence to launch some satellites free of charge for Israel, while everyone else has to pay.

With all that having been said, let's discuss some of the Jews close to George Bush. We have already mentioned Colin Powell and Ari Fleischer. One of Bush's Foreign Policy Advisors, Richard Perle, is a known Jew with a history of sending classified government documents to the Israeli Embassy and also worked for Soltam, an Israeli company which builds weapons. Yet, he is allowed to continue working in our government. A close friend of Perle's is Jewboy Paul Wolfowitz, Bush's Deputy Defense Secretary. This list just goes on. The Jews Robert Satloff and Elliott Abrams are National Security Council Advisors. Dov Zekheim, Under Secretary of Defense and Comptroller, reportedly has dual citizenship with Israel.

The director of homeland security Michael Chertoff is a kike.

Douglas Feith, Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor at the Pentagon has even closer ties with Israel. He is closely associated with the Zionist Organization of America, and runs a law firm which has only one office - located in Israel.

Marc Grossman, a Jew, is Bush's Under Secretary of State of Political Affairs. Richard Haass, Director of Policy Planning at the State Department and Ambassador at Large, is also Director of National Security Programs and Senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He likes to promote bombing Iraq, as does Robert Zoellick, another Jew (U.S. Trade Representative). Other Jews include Henry Kissinger and James Schlesinger (both pentagon advisors who advocate bombing Iraq). Don't you feel secure knowing that National Security rests in the hands of Jews with close ties Israel?

Steve Goldsmith, Senior Advisor to the President, makes frequent trips to Israel.

Other Bush Jews include:

Mel Sembler - President of the export-Import Bank of the United States;

Joshua Bolten - Chief Policy Director;

Adam Goldman - White House Special Liaison to the Jewish Community;

Joseph Gildenhorn - Bush Campaign's Special Liaison to the Jewish Community (also, former ambassador to Switzerland);

Christopher Gersten - Former Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition. He is married to Linda Chavez, Labor Secretary;

Mark Weinberger - Assistant Secretary of the Treasury;

Samuel Bodman - Deputy Secretary of Commerce;

Bonnie Cohen - Under Secretary of State for Management;

Ruth Davis - Director of Foreign Service Institute;

Lincoln Bloomfield - Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs;

Jay Lefkowitz - General Counsel of the Office of Budget and Management;

David Frum - White House Speechwriter.

." President Nixon stated,"[People] have to realize that Jews in the U.S. control the entire information and propaganda machine, the large newspapers, the motion pictures, radio and television, and the big
companies. And there is a force we have to take into consideration."

Additionally, American politicians, for the most part, are controlled by Jewish plutocrats, many of whom reside in Israel, as well. This is why Americanpoliticians are hesitant to be critical of Israel. This is not some bizarre "anti-Semitic fantasy," as Jews would like some people to believe. Rather, it is a fact with which America has to admit. Indeed, as much of the Internet has heard by now, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon openly gloats about such control. On October 3, 2001, the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs noted something rather disturbing that Sharon said on Israeli public radio:

"We the Jewish people control America. And the Americans know it."

Paul Findley, a congressman from Illinois for 22 years, documented this fact quite well in his book They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israels Lobby. If there were no others who would corroborate Findleys findings, it would be easy to discredit him as simply an anti-Semite. However, he cites numerous other politicians who have also pointed out this disturbing matter.

Apparently, this is how it works: Jews are allowed to have dual-citizenship between the U.S. and Israel. America gives Israel $4 billion a year that it does not pay back (and this doesnt necessarily include military secrets and hardware, plus occasional bank-bailouts and other matters). The Jews who are dual-citizens take a small portion of this $4 billion and re-invest it in American politics, choosing U.S. politicians who are likely to support Israel. (It is believed that Israel has somewhere around 300 different political action committees working inside of America, led by Jews with dual-citizenship.) Aside from Findleys book, the book Stealth PACs also describes how some of these pro-Israeli groups use seemingly innocuous names to hide their pro-Israel agenda at American taxpayers expense.

How much has this unchecked support of Israel cost American taxpayers? The well-respected economist Dr. Thomas Stauffer stated that Americas financial loss due to its support of Israel is about $1.7 trillion in todays dollars, roughly one-third of America's deficit.

Numerous political figures have gone on record about this insane support of Israel that some endorse.

In February 1957, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles promulgated,

"I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy [in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews."

Likewise, when Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Brown a question:

How can we stop Israel from obtaining from the Congress more foreign aid than any other nation in the world?

To this, General Brown responded:

When they get tough-minded enough to set down the Jewish influence in this country and break that lobby. It is so strong, you wouldnt believe it. Now, we have the Israelis coming to us for equipment. We say we cant probably get the Congress to support a program like this. And they say, Dont worry about the Congress. We will take care of the Congress. This is somebody from another country. But they can do it.

When some Jews countered with the usual argument that Gen. Brown was merely an anti-Semite, General M.B. Twining, a hero of WWII and the Korean War who was Commander of the U.S. Air Force, reportedly told the
San Diego Union:

A group of powerful U.S. Jews have grotesquely distorted U.S. foreign policy in blind fanatic support of Israel, and Gen. Brown deserves praise, not criticism, for saying so. As head of our nations armed forces, he sees us--a nation of 200 million people--being dragooned into a disastrous war . . . by a ruthless lobby of Jewish-American extremists single-mindedly bent on enforcing their rule or ruin policy in the Middle East.

Admiral Thomas Moorer of the Joint Chiefs of Staff described this alarming pattern as well:

"I've never seen a President"I don't care who he is"stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they want.... If the American people understood what grip those people have on our government, they would rise up in arms.

Jews openly gloat about their control over America. And it extends beyond Sharon's aforementioned comments, bragging about his control over America. Indeed, one popular Jewish publication even had a caricature of President Bush drawn. It depicted him as a comical wooden puppet, pulled by (Jewish) strings.

These are the facts of the Jewish control in America. Anyone willing to spend a few hours in a large library looking into current editions of yearbooks on the radio and television, into directories of newspapers and magazines; into registers of corporations and their officers, such as Standard and Poors; and into biographical reference works can easily verify their accuracy. Much can also be verified by just using Google online.

The facts of Jewish media control are undeniable. According to 2000 US census figures, Jews make up only 2.5% of the total US population. Yet Jews own and control 98% of all US media. Such a massive takeover by a small minority didn't happen by chance. It was part of a long term Zionist plan to control American by brainwashing the minds of the public. By manipulating the masses who vote for and elect our corrupt politicans.

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PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 4:24 pm 

Inscrit le: Ven Jan 15, 2010 4:07 pm
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PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 4:53 pm 

Inscrit le: Ven Jan 15, 2010 4:07 pm
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PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 5:06 pm 

Inscrit le: Ven Jan 15, 2010 4:07 pm
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PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 5:11 pm 

Inscrit le: Ven Mai 15, 2009 12:07 pm
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Dernière édition par Mark le Jeu Fév 25, 2010 5:50 pm, édité 1 fois au total.

"Le prix de la liberté, c'est la vigilance éternelle."
Thomas Jefferson
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PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 5:13 pm 

Inscrit le: Ven Mai 15, 2009 12:07 pm
Posts: 10299
Localisation: Labeaumeville

Dernière édition par Mark le Jeu Fév 25, 2010 5:46 pm, édité 1 fois au total.

"Le prix de la liberté, c'est la vigilance éternelle."
Thomas Jefferson
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PostPublié: Jeu Fév 25, 2010 5:28 pm 
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Je suis un homme d'un autre siècle. Je chauffe au bois, j'écris à la main, avec une plume. Je me bats pour la liberté sous toutes ses formes : la mienne, celle de mon peuple, celle de tous les peuples. Bref, je suis un primitif égaré.

-Pierre Falardeau
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